Welcome to (Thrift) Headquarters

Philly AIDS Thrift was recently the set of the new Marcus G music video HANDGUN. Check it out here (video is NSFW).

Who’s that handsome fella at 1:12? That’s our very own Tom Phoenix!

Getting to know you…

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!

Name: Raven


Shop, Donate or Volunteer? Staff, actually.

How long have you been with Philly AIDS Thrift? Just over a year.

What’s your favorite thing you bought here? These blue leather cockroach killer shoes I’m wearing now!

What do you like most about our store? I guess it’s gonna sound really cheesy, but I love everyone I work with.

What’s the #1 top played song on your iPod? Right now, I’m listening to Glasser a lot. I don’t really know which song…

Do you have any special talents? I’m good at makin’ stuff and I’m good at fixin’ stuff.

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you let the time pass? I generally like to have a dance party.