Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!
Shop, Donate or Volunteer? Volunteer
How long have you been with Philly AIDS Thrift? Since the Spring of 2010.
What’s your favorite thing you bought here? Do you have any idea the thousands of things I bought here? I don’t know! I bought so many things!
What do you like most about our store? I like the laid back, eclectic atmosphere. It’s good company, everyone is real chill and the prices are good. It’s a combination and you know the wearing.
What’s the #1 top played song on your iPod? Waves by Electric Guest
What is the weirdest thing that’s happened to you on vacation? I got stung in the foot by a sting-ray in South Carolina. It was the worst pain ever, I had to go to the hospital!
What’s your ideal first date? Oh man…One that might lead to a second date!