Getting to know you…

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!


Name: Israel

Shop, Donate or Volunteer? I shop and donate

How long have you been coming to Philly AIDS Thrift? Close to a year and a half.

What’s your favorite thing you bought here? That’s a really good question.

Actually I got this outfit–both of these–here. These are PATagonia. These shorts and this shirt.

What do you like most about our store? I can come here on a weekly basis and find a lot of different things.

What’s the #1 top played song

on your iPod?

Probably James Blake’s Retrograde.

Can you taste the difference between Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, and Coke Zero? Oh! I don’t drink pop!

And you called it pop! Haha yes!

What is the most scared you’ve ever been in your life?

Probably when I got beat up in college by four guys. True confessions.

If you could switch careers, would you? What would you be?

No I wouldn’t. I’m a filmmaker.

What is one of your favorite quotes? From the Bible…John 10:10. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to abundantly.”